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44 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JANUARY 2018 IPC President and CEO John Mitch- ell gave I-Connect007 a sneak-peek at the upcoming IPC APEX EXPO, happening in February in San Diego. Mitchell provides a de- scription of this year's keynote, as well as a few new additions and areas of emphasis. It looks like it will be another packed house, with plenty to see, do, and learn about. Patty Goldman: John, what can you tell us about the upcoming show, and keynote speak- er, which I understand is expected to be quite a draw? John Mitchell: Jared Cohen is our Tuesday key- note. He is now the CEO of Jigsaw, which is a part of Google. He's the former advisor to two U.S. Secretaries of State and the author and member of the Council on Foreign Relations. The title of his speech is, "Game changers, Technology, and the Next Big Disruptions." He travels a lot, so he'll be drawing on his travel and first-hand accounts of some of the various important and emerging trends in technology, and then reveal how some of those will matter to the electronics in- dustry. Goldman: That should be very interesting and ap- propriate. Mitchell: Yes, we're look- ing forward to Mr. Cohen's insights into the complex world of technology. In addition to this opening keynote on February 27, I will give a keynote on 'Educat- ing a 21 st Century Workforce," and cover how understanding the challenges and solutions in educating a 21st century work- force, is critical to businesses and leaders around the globe. Goldman: Sounds good. What else will be going on at APEX? Mitchell: Our theme this year is "Succeed at the Velocity of Technology." We are more than 95% sold out for the show floor, which is great, and we're anticipating more than 450 suppliers to showcase their products and services. In ad- dition to the exhibition, we of course have our educational offerings, the professional devel- opment courses, which include subjects like PCB fabrication troubleshooting, printing, dis- pensing, jetting, manufacturing yield, reliabil- ity, and DFX. We really try to provide things that are driven by real-world applica- tion of what's happening right now, so the attendees can apply it later. We're trying to help them access new research on materials and processes and learn about trending ma- terials or applications and processes, such as Industry 4.0 and wearables. We'll address real-world prob- lems and teach the practi- cal way that people can be A Sneak-Peek at IPC APEX EXPO 2018 IPC APEX EXPO 2018 PRE-SHOW SPECIAL COVERAGE John Mitchell

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