IPC-1401 Listed Amongst Top 10
Chinese Corporate Social
Responsibility Standards E
IPC-1401, Supply Chain
Social Responsibility
Management System
Guidance was listed
as a top-10 standard in
2017, for Chinese Cor-
porate Social Responsi-
bility (CSR).
Punching Out! Survey on State of the
North American PCB M&A Market E
Recently, my firm
surveyed about 20
PCB manufactur-
ers in North Ameri-
ca with an estimated
greater than $10 mil-
lion in revenue. Quite a few replied, and we
have spoken with many others throughout the
year, which gives us a good view on the state
of the PCB market.
The Right Approach: Culture Shift
is Key to Quality Improvement E
Any major initiative, wheth-
er implementing ISO, lean
manufacturing or introduc-
ing a new product, requires
culture change. How this
change is managed will be
the difference between suc-
cess or failure of the project. This column will
offer some fundamental elements that will
help navigate your next major implementation
by shifting the culture.
All About Flex:
Copper Grain Direction E
Many materials have differ-
ent characteristics depend-
ing upon the orientation of
the material. For example,
woven textile materials have
a warp and a weft direction.
The warp direction is the lon-
gitude direction and the weft is the transverse.
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