I-Connect007 Launches Thermal
Management with Insulated Metal
Substrates eBook E
I-Connect007 is excited to announce the re-
lease of the latest title in our micro eBook de-
sign series: The Printed Circuit Designer's
Guide to…Thermal Management with Insulat-
ed Metal Substrates.
Punching Out! Top 10 M&A Deal Killers E
I am often asked about some of the rea-
sons why M&A deals die. Although this is a
very painful subject, hopefully through sharing
these reasons we can help some deals survive
the M&A process. Here are my top 10 M&A deal
killers (and a few solutions).
Orbotech's Strategic Decision for
End-to-End Partnership Benefits Everyone E
Barry Matties met with Sharon Cohen, pres-
ident of Orbotech West, at productronica 2017
to discuss what's new at Orbotech, specifical-
ly their shift to be more customer-centric and
to provide regional coverage across the globe.
Also discussed were the current trends in the
marketplace and Industry 4.0.
Ventec International Group Now Trading
on Taipei Stock Exchange E
Ventec International Group Co., Ltd. an-
nounces that its shares are now listed and trad-
ing on the Emerging Stock Market of the Taipei
Stock Exchange since January 16, 2018, under
the Stock Code 6672 and name, Ventec.
Aismalibar on Laminates, Following the
Market, and More E
At productronica, I-Connect007's Barry Mat-
ties, Andy Shaughnessy, and Patty Goldman
sat down for a chat with Eduardo Benmayor,
director general with Aismalibar, a laminate
supplier currently focusing on thermal man-
agement for the LED and automotive markets.
Staying Ahead of Market Trends
through Education E
ESI equipment has been in high demand
with the recent rise of flex and HDI. But when
Barry Matties met with Patrick Riechel and
John Williams at HKPCA, they explained that
it is really ESI's future protection and flexibili-
ty in the process that keeps them ahead of the
market and allows for ongoing success.
Whelen Engineering and AWP Explain
Unique Collaboration E
If there was a buzz word in the PCB hall at
productronica this year, it was probably Whel-
en, as in Whelen Engineering and Alex Stepin-
ski, VP of Whelen's circuit board division.
Case Study: Pits and Mouse Bites, Part 2 E
In all troubleshooting situations, it is best to
look at the problem with wide open eyes. Just
because one is looking at an issue that is vis-
ible after copper plating, this should not mean
that is the only place to look. And this case
study illustrates that point quite clearly.
Supply Line Highlights