PCB007 Magazine


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42 PCB007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2018 Repaired Product The changes in this section clarify the re- quirement and the need for follow-up with detailed information for reworked product. The repair process should be addressed in the FMEA. Monitoring and Measurement of Manufacturing Processes This clarifies the requirement for targeting process effectiveness and efficiency (measur- ing, monitoring and improving the processes). This includes the competencies required for personnel performing the measurements. Cpk analysis is helpful here. Manufacturing Process Audit Shift handover is considered a significant process event; internal auditors should look for objective evidence of an effective process to communicate and address relevant informa- tion. The audit must also evaluate the effec- tive implementation of the process risk analy- sis (PFMEA), control plan, and associated doc- uments. Conclusion While this list is not all-inclusive, it will give organizations an idea of what they are signing up for by pursuing IATF 16949 QMS certification. The standard is very demand- ing and requires a high level of discipline, but as they say, "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger!" PCB007 Steve Williams is the president of The Right Approach Consulting LLC. To read past columns, or to contact Williams, click here. An alternative to traditional batteries has moved a step closer following the announcement that Rolls-Royce has signed a collaboration agreement with Superdielec- trics Ltd, in partnership with the Universities of Bristol and Surrey. The agreement is designed to explore the poten- tial of using polymers to create next-generation high-en- ergy storage technology, and it will see Rolls-Royce com- bine its world-class material science and technical ex- pertise with Superdielectrics' novel hydrophilic polymers that have been shown by Superdielectrics Ltd, in collabo- ration with researchers from both universities, to have po- tentially outstanding energy storage properties. Dr. Dave Smith, Director of Central Technology, Rolls- Royce, said: "We are very pleased to be working with Su- perdielectrics Ltd. at a time of rapidly-evolving develop- ments in the energy storage industry. We bring deep ex- perience of materials technology and advanced applica- tions that require high-energy storage capabilities with controllable rates of recovery. We believe that electrification will play an increasing- ly important role in many of our markets over the com- ing years and by working with partners on potential new technologies for energy storage we can ensure that Rolls- Royce is well positioned to take advantage of new devel- opments." Jim Heathcote, CEO of Superdielectrics Ltd, added: "We are delighted to be working with Rolls-Royce in the global race to develop advanced energy storage systems. This agreement gives us access to their unparalleled sci- entific and technical expertise. I hope this agreement will ultimately create new jobs and business opportunities in the UK." A Charging Electric Car

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