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30 FLEX007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2018 Feature Interview BY THE I-CONNECT007 EDITORIAL TEAM For our first issue of the Flex007 Magazine, we invited a group of flexible circuit experts to discuss their work in this rapidly grow - ing segment. Participants included Jonathan Weldon of DuPont, Mark Finstad of Flexible Circuit Technologies, and Scott McCurdy and Scott Miller of Freedom CAD. In a free-wheel - ing discussion with Andy Shaughnessy and Barry Matties, these technologists share their thoughts on the challenges and opportunities in flexible circuits, as well as what constitutes the cutting edge of flex right now. Andy Shaughnessy: Why don't we just start with some introductions? Jonathan, would you tell us about yourself? Jonathan Weldon: I've been with DuPont for about two and a half years. I'm an RF application engineer so I focus primarily on Pyralux™ flexible copper-clad laminates and the Kapton™ films that go with those. They're used in everything from consumer electronics through industrial applications. I'm an EE undergrad, EE grad, and all focused in electromagnetics. I was in the Air Force for about eight years doing electro-optics, radar work, and all sorts of jammer work develop - ing jam patterns and a few other things for the systems. And then I worked at Sandia National Labs before coming to DuPont. I'm typically an analog guy. I came from the defense side. I still try to stay close to the defense side, but have been sort of mixing into the consumer electronics world since being in this industry. Shaughnessy: Scott McCurdy, how about your background? Scott McCurdy: I'm with Freedom CAD. I've been in the PCB design world for the last dozen years. In a past life, I owned a printed circuit board manufacturing company for 32 years. Also, I've been the president for the last 15 years of the Orange County IPC Designers