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32 SMT007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2018 Feature Interview by Stephen Las Marias I-CONNECT007 In this interview, Mathieu Kury, business development manager of Asteelflash USA Corp., provides an overview of 5G, the oppor- tunities in the market, and how it will impact the electronics manufacturing industry. He also discusses the key challenges from an EMS standpoint and how to become successful when 5G really arrives. Stephen Las Marias: Give us a brief overview of 5G. How will this differ from 4G/3G, and, apart from mobile communications, what other applications do you think it will enable? Mathieu Kury: 5G is really another level from what we've seen so far in telecommunications, mostly from a speed perspective and the ability to connect many more devices to each other— the real, connected world we've been talking about for quite some time now. More than just communications, when we think about the new technologies getting closer and closer to reality such as autonomous vehicles and smart cities, these verticals will not exist and/or not perform at the expected pace without a power- ful infrastructure, which 5G will enable. The numbers are high: we're talking about 10,000 times more traffic than today; 100 Mbit/second wherever needed; low energy consumption; and further decreasing M2M communication cost. The impact of 5G will be huge! Las Marias: Speaking of impact, how do you think will 5G impact the electronics assembly industry in particular? Kury: From a design and assembly standpoint, 5G is not mature enough to have had an actual impact on product development, and there- fore, assembly. Most of the connected devices on the market use a mix of different wireless communication protocols, and it will take a while until 5G is integrated as a design require- ment for any new connected device. But it will certainly happen. We're talking at a horizon of 2020–2022 for me, where 5G will be accessible enough to most of the population. At that time, we'll witness the power of 5G. Las Marias: Do you think manufacturing 5G devices will require a different electron-