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48 SMT007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2018 Final Line Model The line model consists of three sections: 1. Plant product inputs. 2. Product CPH & cycle time computations. 3. Product impact analysis. Plant product inputs are: 1. Product number. 2. SMT line name (important if there are multiple line configurations in a plant). 3. Process side of the product—top or bottom. 4. Forecasted product panel volume (PPV), four to six months' forecast is recommended to capture low-volume products. The product panel forecast is totaled to determine the total panel volume forecasted for the plant (TPV). 5. Placements per panel from each SMT machine on the line. a. For better resolution for future what-if analysis, it is recommended to define placements per panel from each machine by feeder width (4 mm, 8 mm, 12 mm, etc.). b. Total placements per panel can be calculated. 6. Product observed cycle time (POCT) that represents the observed cycle time constraint for that product on an assembly line. CPH and cycle time computations: 1. Regression equations and "Max CPH" for each SMT machine type on the line. a. With the actual placements per panel Figure 5: Line model inputs.

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