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8 PCB007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2018 If you're like me, you've probably heard of 5G, but you may not understand what all the fuss is about. First, 5G simply means fifth-gen- eration mobile networks. The best way to un- derstand what 5G is about is to understand all the other Gs, like 3G and 4G (we rarely hear about the early Gs!). The analogy I understand best for mobile communications is this: 1G = analog (voice only) 2G = digital (includes text and pictures) 3G = video calling and data 4G = internet and video streaming 5G = everything connected to everything (4G on mega steroids and 1000x faster) I found some other interesting explanations, including a video by Skyworks [1] called, "5G in 5 Minutes" that is worth watching. Their anal- ogy of increasing highways is interesting be- cause 5G needs to exist in full measure for tru- ly autonomous cars and trucks to become a re- ality (or at least a safe reality—think about a self-driving semi on the road behind or beside you). In fact, several communications compa- nies are planning on launching 5G networks later this year. Are we ready? Can we make the PCBs they will need? What does this mean to us in the PCB manufacturing world? This Month's Issue Now, if you really want to understand 5G better, start with Technology Editor Dan Fein- berg's article. He begins with the very early mobile phones and takes you through today and beyond. He also points out the challenges such as bandwidth and the incredible amount of infrastructure that will need to exist to take full advantage of this technology and, again Patty's Perspective by Patty Goldman, I-CONNECT007 5G—Generation after Generation