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82 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2018 transportation method and hence meet the customer's demand and deliver new boards in time if there is a quality defect. When these parameters are set, it's simple to determine the total credit exposure for the supplier and see this in relation to the gener- al credit terms given to the customer. If this is not analysed, then the credit terms can quickly reach more than 120 days. This is not optimal for any party and it can lead to cash challenges for the supplier, delivering custom products to you, and hence, not easily replaceable if they cannot or are not willing to deliver. By understanding, discussing and agreeing to the exposure of both parties, namely for the buyer to provide a binding forecast and the supplier to have the correct credit terms, you can then establish an equilibrium situation that is optimal and favourable for both par - ties, and a non-standardized product can be successfully handled in a Lean manufacturing process. Implementing non-standardized products in a Lean manufacturing process is hence suc- cessful if we avoid normal, non-optimal cus- tomer and supplier relationships and focus on a partner-oriented approach where informa- tion and liability sharing represents the basis for cooperation. PCB007 References 1. 2. 3. Wikipedia: Lean manufacturing 4. Wikipedia: Just In Time (business) 5. Wikipedia: Kanban (development) 6. Wikipedia: Consignment Stock 7. Wikipedia: Vendor Managed Inventory Didrick Beck is CEO of Elmatica. The 5G-Crosshaul consortium was selected in 2015 to develop a 5G transport network that would integrate backhaul and fronthaul, two typical segments of the 4G telecommunications networks. On the fifth generation of communication networks that is expected to replace 4G around 2020, these two segments merge into what is known as crosshaul, to enable a flexible and software- defined reconfiguration of all networking elements in a multi-tenant, service-oriented and unified management environment. The transport network now presented flexibly inter- connects distributed 5G radio access and core network functions hosted on in-network cloud nodes. This config- uration is achieved through the implementation of a con- trol infrastructure coupled with a unified data plane, en- compassing innovative high-capacity transmission tech- nologies as well as novel deterministic-latency switch ar- chitectures. "The data plane is like a muscle, while the control infrastructure would be like a brain. Thanks to their integration we can move a huge amount of data in a very short time, and we can do it by controlling how long it takes to perform this process," explains one of the re- searchers. "It has been truly an honor to oversee one of the most ambitious 5G transport network research and de- velopment efforts to date," said the Coordinator of the 5G-Crosshaul project, Arturo Azcorra, Professor at the Telematics Department of UC3M and Director of IMDEA Networks. "The successful results of the 5G-Crosshaul project have advanced scientific knowledge and the international standardization of 5G systems." Flexible and Dynamic Transport Solution for Future 5G Communications Developed