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84 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JULY 2018 fully preconfigured into the programming soft- ware. "In the EMS environment, the customer rents the factory for a period of time. Data mining allows operating costs to be reduced, and these cost savings are in turn passed on to the customer," explains Ohl. Summary and Conclusion Together, Goepel electronic and Limtronik are pushing two approaches: an inspection system must be highly efficient when it comes to fault detection and speed, and at the same time must be easy to operate. On the other hand, it must also be integrated in the connected factory like a link in a chain. 3D X-ray tech- nology allows production-line inspection to be carried out within the cycle time. Collect- ing data is simply not enough if you want to implement Industry 4.0 wisely, which is why Limtronik relies on data mining and works in close cooperation with its partners to offer its customers an advantage through smart manu- facturing. SMT007 Matthias Müller is a public relations manager at Goepel electronic GmbH. Andreas Türk is the AXI product manager at Goepel electronic GmbH. by Tara Dunn OMNI PCB An energetic and engaged crowd filled the venue at the recent SMTA Upper Midwest Chapter Expo. The event, held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, hosted 57 exhibiting compa- nies and had over 100 pre-registered attendees. Attend- ees were invited to three technical presentations and a fabulous lunch, and they had the opportunity to interact with exhibitors to learn about new programs and tech- nologies. The underlying theme for the technical presentations was "Raising the Capability Ceiling!" The event kicked off with a presen- tation by Bill Cardoso from Creative Electron, who discussed iPhones and the technological advances displayed by Apple's latest model. Ray Rattey of TEXMAC/Takaya gave the second presentation, "Flying Probe Test as Part of the Total Test Strategy." Will Slade, 3D-MID, Laboratories of Multiple Dimensions, marked the final speaker of the day. He spoke about the emerging market of molded intercon- nect device (3D-MID) technology and how it allows manu- facturers to insert circuitry directly onto injection-molded plastic parts. With all these exciting new technologies and applica- tions for PCB and PCA manufacturing, it is easy to see that our industry will continue to become more challenging as time goes on. In addition to the technical presentations, exhibitors from all areas of the industry discussed new technologies, product offerings, and capabilities. There were plenty of opportunities for networking and catch- ing up with colleagues throughout the day. A new addition to the fun of the raffle prizes was the bingo game. Attend- ees had the opportunity to visit with exhibitors and complete bingo cards for a chance to win raffle prizes. With over 20 raffle prizes donated by exhibitors, there were many happy winners! Raising the Capability Ceiling: SMTA Upper Midwest Chapter Expo

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