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42 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JULY 2018 Further study would be necessary to identify the true mechanisms involved. Although the ionic contamination has been demonstrated to be inversely relat- ed to the application of UV energy, it is unclear whether the source of the ion- ic contamination can be attributed to the solder mask or to the plating solu- tion. It would be acceptable to hypoth- esize that the increase of SM polymer- ization simply reduces the absorption of chemistry. Ionic contamination can also be measured for the sample without sol- der mask shown in Figure 10. PCB007 Reference 1. J.P.Fouassier, X.Allonas, D. Burget Photopolymerization reactions under visible lights: principle, mechanisms and examples of applications. Rick Nichols is product manager for Global Product Team− Selective Finishing (GPT SF) Sandra Heinemann is assistant product manager, GPT SF Gustavo Ramos is product director, GPT SF Dr. Lars Nothdurft is scientist in Organic Analytics (not pictured) Dr. Britta Schafsteller is R&D manager−Development, GPT SF Hubertus Mertens is technical manager for Chemistry and Equipment, GPT SF. Rick Nichols Sandra Heinemann Gustavo Ra- mos Dr. Britta Schafsteller Hubertus Mertens As part of a strategy to develop and deliver new robot- ics capabilities to future Soldiers, Army researchers have partnered with world-renowned experts in industry and academia. The University of Pennsylvania hosted a series of meetings in Philadelphia June 5-7 for principal investi- gators and researchers from the Army's Robotics Collab- orative Technology Alliance, or RCTA. The group formed in 2009 to bring together' govern- ment, industrial and academic institutions to address re- search and development required to enable the deploy- ment of future military unmanned ground vehicle systems ranging in size from man-portables to ground combat ve- hicles. "We are coming together to tell each other what we've done over the last year," said Dr. Stuart Young, a division chief in the U.S. Army Research Laboratory at Adelphi, Maryland, and the RCTA's collaborative alliance manager. Young said the laboratory is focused on transitioning new capabilities to industry partners, so they can con- tinue to mature them. "Since this is a basic and applied research pro- gram, we'll transition it to them, so they can get it into an experimental prototype in development," he said. "Certainly, the problem that we are work- ing on is very hard. It is difficult to operate robots in the wild, anywhere in the world, but that's the kind of problem the Army has to solve." The Army's vision is to make unmanned systems an integral part of small unit teams. "We're trying to go from tools to teammates, so you can work side-by-side with them," Young said. Army's Robotics Alliance Rallies Researchers

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