The Augmented World Expo:
Go XR or Become Extinct E
Now on its ninth year,
the Augmented World
Expo (AWE USA) is per-
haps the largest event
for professionals fo-
cused on providing sci-
ence fiction-like abilities through XR (cross
reality) and associated wearable technolo-
gy. This year's event showcased over 100,000
square feet of exhibit space and featured nu-
merous presentations and discussions cover-
ing topics ranging from the latest and greatest
uses and devices for XR to the business of mar-
keting and monetizing it.
The Institute of Circuit Technology
Annual Symposium 2018 E
ICT technical director Bill Wilkie is well-known
for choosing notable venues for Institute of Cir-
cuit Technology events, and his choice for this
year's Annual Symposium was the National
Motor Museum, located in the village of Beau-
lieu in the heart of the New Forest, a national
park in the county of Hampshire in Southern
England. The region is known for its heath-
land, forest trails and native ponies.
The Shaughnessy Report:
Got Flex? E
Welcome to the first issue of
Flex007 Magazine. This new
quarterly magazine is dedi-
cated to flex system designers,
electrical engineers, flex PCB
designers, and anyone respon-
sible for integrating flex into
their products at the OEM/ CEM level.
Standard of Excellence: Making Your
PCB Fabricator Your PCB Partner E
Are your PCB needs exceeding your ven-
dor base's capabilities? Do you feel that your
suppliers are no longer able to keep up with
your PCB needs? Do your designers feel lim-
ited by your vendors' limited capabilities? Are
you finding an issue locating alternate sources
for PCBs due to the consolidation of the larger
shops in our industry? If so, you are not alone.
Flex007 Magazine is
dedicated to flex system designers, electrical
engineers, flex PCB designers, and those responsible for
integrating flex into their products at the OEM/CEM level.
Premiere Issue
Quarterly | April 2018
Got Flex?
Recent Highlights from PCB007