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46 SMT007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2018 available to every machine vendor, each of whom know their technology down to the fin- est detail. Here is where we will see the bulk of the smart solutions for assembly manufactur- ing coming from. Driving this is the machine vendor agnos- tic data acquisition and utilization, with com- plementary functionality through machine, line, factory and enterprise levels. This pro- motes healthy differentiation between vendors in the same market space, not only in terms of machine performance, but also in terms of the smart solutions that they can provide based on the data collective. This paper explores the changes in culture between the past, where data was simply sent point to point, and today's multi-layered IoT technology-based solutions, as well as the effects and opportunities that are here now for the taking. Introduction To create smart factories capable of autono- mous optimization of interconnected process- es, it is necessary to integrate the myriad of How CIM and IoT Can Make Your Factory Smart Feature by Zac Elliott MENTOR, A SIEMENS BUSINESS Abstract With so many extremely clever scientists and engineers in our industry, the whole complex technology of electronics assembly requires people with specialist skills. When it comes to linking all these processes together, there is more than just a simple data connection to think about. The content of data from the myriad of different processes and technologies firstly needs to be understood and then needs to be transformed into information which is then actionable, not just by a human, but by a computer. There is no one person who can under- stand every aspect of every process, and every opportunity for smart factory functionality. Accessibility to new IoT manufacturing data connections is a multi-way technology. As well as higher level systems such as the man- ufacturing execution system (MES) or enter- prise resource planning (ERP) systems making smarter decisions, the same IoT data is also

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