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18 SMT007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2018 Feature by Stephen Las Marias I-CONNECT007 In our new manufacturing environment where trends such as data, robotics and arti- ficial intelligence (AI) are proliferating, there are numerous strategies and tactics—predic- tive analytics, new OEM/supplier collabora- tive innovation models, technology platforms that support real-time business intelligence, and resilient and transparent supply chains that create virtual, vertically integrated manu- facturing networks—that global manufactur- ing companies can deploy to capitalize on new market opportunities and stay ahead of their competition. Enabling these strategies are key transfor- mative technologies such as big data, analyt- ics, and the Internet of Things (IoT). There are two categories for IoT: consumer and industrial. In the consumer space, imagine yourself arriving home from work. As you reach the curb in front of your home, your car will send a signal to your garage door to open. As you enter your home, your network will detect your presence and immediately turn on specific appliances, such as lights, the TV or stereo, air-conditioning unit, or what - ever it has been programmed to do. As you sit down to relax, you eye your tablet rest- ing nearby, and thinking about the workout you did earlier that day, you transfer the data collected by your smart watch to have a full view of overall impact of that workout on your health statistics. That's just a simple example of how the consumer IoT can function. The industrial IoT, on the other hand, describes an integrated system of systems where sensors and actuators provide specific data such as measurements, timing, and equip- ment status, to name a few, all connected and visible throughout the enterprise. This is where the convergence of operations technology (OT) in the factory floor with information technol- ogy (IT) in the enterprise happens, all working together towards a single purpose—a more- efficient, profitable and successful manufac- turing operation. With industrial IoT, compa- nies will be able to view real-time data on their manufacturing processes, and compare

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