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34 SMT007 MAGAZINE I OCTOBER 2018 ers about the availability of CFX on existing machines. Even if native support will not be available, there are likely to be several choices of simple and inexpensive ways to retrofit CFX support by third parties. This ensures that there will be only one interface for all visibility, management, and control on the shop floor. The critical second choice is the selection of an MES solution founded on principles of CFX IIoT utilization that is ready to provide live augmented and automated decision- making at a factory level. Interoperable Indus- try 4.0 solutions will work based on the digi- tal factory infrastructure provided by the MES platform itself supporting vendor-based solu- tions on the machine and line level should provide a sophisticated, yet simple, smart factory infrastructure based entirely on CFX. Production, performance, quality, materials and supply chain, maintenance, planning, and cloud analytics can all take place on the same platform and share the same backbone of IIoT information as one flexible real-time operation. This is the essence of having factories capable of responding to the current and future needs of the market and being able to manufacture to order without significant loss of productiv- ity compared to mass production. Who Wins with CFX? Everyone wins with CFX, which is why CFX- based IIoT solutions are sustainable. Over time, machine vendors will eliminate the need for the development and support of bespoke inter- faces for customers and be able to utilize CFX in every case. Machine vendors will also have access to data from the line and factory and provide added-value Industry 4.0 functions. Solution providers will have access to complete, accurate, and timely data, which is the criti- cal necessity for the creation of smart artificial intelligence (AI) software for manufacturing as mandated by Industry 4.0. IT teams in manu- facturing will have clear opportunities to adapt and manage bespoke processes and functions that drive real value to satisfy specific unique manufacturing operational needs based on CFX data exchange. Therefore, the reach is extended to all corners of the factory that were previously out of reach by legacy MES solutions. The manufactur- ing operation itself is complete and ready for instant reactions to changing customer needs without the risk of execution issues or optimi- zation and productivity losses and the need to stockpile finished goods in the warehouse to appear flexible. Costs are saved in manufactur- ing, warehousing, and distribution, including eliminating the risk of depreciation in the value of "produced-but-not-yet-sold" goods. Invest- ment in further automation driven by AR tech- nology, such as the enhanced role of human operators, becomes cost-effective and immedi- ately contributory to the business model. The factory of the future can be realized with tech- nology created and available today. SMT007 Michael Ford is the European marketing director for Aegis Software. To read past columns or contact Ford, click here. Ralf Wagenfuehr, plant manager of Rehm Thermal Systems (Dongguan) Ltd, speaks with I-Connect007's Edy Yu about the developments in the company's convection reflow soldering system, which features a vacuum module, aimed at address- ing the increasing demand for vacuum soldering. He also discusses their software developments, as well as how they are helping their customers toward their Industry 4.0 journey. Rehm Sees Growing Demand for Vacuum Soldering

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