It's Only Common Sense:
What the Heck is an SEO? E
Have you ever wondered
what it takes to get to the
top of a Google page? Why
do some companies al
ways seem to have all the
business they need even
without any outside sales-
people? It seems to be
some kind of black magic. How do they do
it? Read on.
The Changing Shape of the
HDI Market E
With more mobile device
designers looking to utilize
the benefits of FOWLP and
other direct attach package
types, a new generation of
HDI PCBs is already in the
market. Targeting less than
30 mm features and based
on mSAP techniques, these substrate-like PCBs
make use of the latest high-end manufactur-
ing processes and materials, to enable the next
evolution in advanced HDI boards.
IPC President Commends White
House for Assessment of
US Defense Industrial Base E
On behalf of the electronics industry, I com-
mend the White House for the release today of
a sweeping and detailed assessment of the na-
tion's defense industrial base. The report re-
flects more than a year of painstaking data col-
lection, sector by sector analysis, and industry
GP Ventures' Tom Kastner on
PCB Mergers and Acquisitions E
Tom Kastner, president of
GP Ventures, he has his fin-
ger on the pulse of the in-
dustry's mergers and acquisi-
tions (M&A) more than any-
one. In this interview, Kast-
ner provides insights on the
right time to buy, how to evaluate your com-
pany's worth, and when it is too late.
What's FLITE About?
An Old Man's Observations E
FLITE—Female Leaders in Tech, Everywhere—
aims to raise the visibility of females in tech-
nology, manufacturing, and engineering by cel-
ebrating their achievements and learning from
their experiences. I-Connect007 Technical Edi-
tor Pete Starkey sit in on FLITE's networking
event at the recent What's New in Electronics
(WNIE) Live show to find out more about this
enterprise, which turned out to be an inspira-
tional eye-opener.
FPCB Market to Display
Significant Growth by 2027 E
The demand for flexible printed circuit boards
by manufacturers of smartphones, other mo-
bile devices, LCD display, connectivity anten-
nas, and rechargeable batteries, is currently on
the rise. With exploding consumer electronics
sector, soaring popularity of IoT, and growing
applications in the automotive sector are iden-
tified to be the key factors that are likely to
hold a positive impact on the sales of FPCBs in
near future.
For the Latest PCB News and Information, Visit:
Dan Beaulieu
Roger Massey
Tom Kastner