PCB007 Magazine


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28 PCB007 MAGAZINE I NOVEMBER 2018 A research group led by scientists from Ja- pan's RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP) has developed a novel system that can automatically detect abnormalities in fetal hearts in real time using artificial intelli- gence (AI). This technology could help exam- iners avoid missing severe and complex con- genital heart abnormalities that require prompt treatments—leading to early diagnosis and well-planned treatment plans—and could con- tribute to the development of perinatal or neo- natal medicine. Congenital heart problems can be very se- rious and account for about 20% of all new- born deaths. An earlier diagnosis of such prob- lems before the baby is born would allow for prompt treatment within a week after birth. This is known to improve the prognosis mark- edly and why there have been many attempts to develop technology to enable a better diag- nosis. However, fetal diagnosis today still de- pends heavily on observations by experienced examiners using ultrasound imaging. Unfortu- nately, it is not uncommon for children to be born without having been properly diagnosed. The rapid development of machine learning in recent years has driven a great interest in its application for medical applications. With machine learning, diagnostic systems will be able to detect diseases more rapidly and accu- rately. However, this requires the availability of adequate datasets on normal and abnormal subjects for a particular condi- tion. Since congenital heart prob- lems in children are relatively rare, there are no complete data- sets. Until now, prediction based on machine learning was not ac- curate enough for practical use in the clinic. The RIKEN Center AIP-led group, which also involves col- laborators from Fujitsu Ltd and Showa University, took on this challenge and has successfully developed a new machine-learn- Emerging Medical Technologies: What to Watch For AI Helps Detect Fetal Heart Problems Feature by the I-Connect007 Editorial Team Photo: Heart screening system. Hockey great Wayne Gretzky once summed up his success like this: "I skate where the puck is going to be, not where it has been." There is no mistaking that medical electronics are a driving force in PCB fabrication. In this feature, we present a compendium of just a few of the medical and electronic R&D projects currently underway around the globe. We also take a moment to celebrate the life of Ed Bakken—a man who attacked the early days of medical electronics using the same fighting spirit with which Gretzky attacked the puck in his day. Inside this report, we present technology that medical device OEMs will be specifying in the near future and will move fabrication to where it's going to be—not where it has been.

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