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JANUARY 2019 I FLEX007 MAGAZINE 49 end user also has to get some access to us. I think trade shows are one route—that's often where we get to talk to the end users by par- ticipating in panel discussions and so forth. We're in that pattern trying to manage growth, and unfortunately, one of the things that gets lost in the shuffle is the outreach. We could probably do a better job at that ourselves. Matties: Is there any other advice that you feel we should share with a systems designer or a flex designer? Hogan: I would recommend more collabora- tion at the multi-tier of the manufacturer—not only at that level. The smaller the producer, the more challenging it is to gain access to manufacturing methodologies—our approach versus the many other ideas in the market- place beyond what we have. So, it has to be very challenging from that aspect. Working with their customers to work with their supply chain to be sure their supply chain is reaching out is probably a good early step. Matties: Brendan, I certainly appreciate your insights, and we'll be sure to share those with designers. Thank you very much. Hogan: Thank you. I appreciate your time. FLEX007 most common examples of such materials are carbon and molybdenite. When such 2D materials are combined, they often exhibit quantum properties that neither material pos- sesses on its own. The EPFL scientists combined tung- sten diselenide (WSe2) with molybdenum diselenide (MoSe2) to reveal new properties with an array of pos- sible high-tech applications. By using a laser to gener- ate light beams with circular polarization, and slightly shifting the positions of the two 2D materials to create a moiré pattern, they were able to use excitons to change and regulate the polarization, wavelength and intensity of light. The scientists achieved this by manipulating one of the excitons' properties: their "valley," which is related to the extremes of energies of the electron and the hole. These valleys—which are where the name valleytronics comes from—can be leveraged to code and process informa- tion at a nanoscopic level. The scientists' discovery was pub- lished in Nature Photonics. (Source: École Polytech- nique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)) The team of scientists from EPFL's Laboratory of Nanoscale Electronics and Structures (LANES), who were the first to control exciton flows at room temperature, has taken their technology one step further by finding a way to control some of the properties of excitons and change the polarization of the light they generate. This can lead to a new generation of electronic devices with transistors that undergo less energy loss and heat dissipation. Excitons exist only in semiconducting and insulat- ing materials. Their extraordinary properties can be easily accessed in 2D materials, which are materials whose basic structure is just a few atoms thick. The Excitons Pave the Way to More Efficient Electronics