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112 I-CONNECT007 I REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2019 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE IPC APEX EXPO 2019: Another Year Here and Done by Patty Goldman I-CONNECT007 Ah, the bittersweet ending to the IPC APEX EXPO 2019 show and conference! Anticipated for months, the few days of actuality just whiz by. By the end, we're all eager to get back home but always sad to say goodbye to friends and colleagues. Of course, there's much more than just the three days of the show—so much more that you can't begin to cover it all. There were five tracks in the technical conference, numerous standards committee meetings, professional development courses (many over the previous weekend), buzz sessions, and of course, the show floor, which was larger than ever and expanded to the upper floor. You have to pick and choose what is most interesting, impor- tant, and relevant to you. For me, I found it hard to pick and choose. I caught a few technical papers here and there, peeked in on some subcommittee meetings, conducted a few interviews, walked the show floor to see companies of interest, and talked in our booth and elsewhere with existing and prospective columnists and customers. The list goes on. Most of Monday was spent in IPC's Execu- tive Forum on Advancing Automotive Tech- nologies hosted by IPC Hall of Fame member Gene Weiner who, with a few other illustrious members, put the entire program together. It was jam-packed with top-notch speakers and subjects including just about every facet of automotive electronics manufacturing of inter- 112 I-CONNECT007 I REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2019 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE

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