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THE BODY ELECTRIC 2019 MEDICAL ELECTRONICS SYMPOSIUM The John A. Spitzer Conference Center at Lorain County Community College in Elyria, Ohio T he human body is an extremely complex "electrical (neurological) system", with compa- nies continuing their quest to understand and improve capability as related to neural interface, basically connecting the human body directly into computers! There is no question, capabilities in smart phone/watch technologies connected to the internet erases any doubt of the potential to connect people to computers. With the brain being the human equivalent of the "MicroProcessor", semiconductor com - panies such as IBM, Intel, MicroChip and MicroSemi have been well aware of potential for connectivity. Others have taken knowledge of neural interface to help humans manage their internal electrical systems, including Medtronic, Philips and Abbott, with a range of pace- makers, defibrillators and neural therapies. Expanding the potential scope of linking the brain to computers and to the internet has attracted the likes of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, MicroSoft, Neuralink and others, adding to the list that already includes J&J, G.E., T.I., Stryker, and Edwards. MicroProces- sors and other ASIC Chips, coupled with MEMS and Sensors, are now seen as the "next- big-thing" over the next 5 years looking at the Internet-of-Things (IoT). This event will bring together experts to cover topics such as: Forecasting and Analytics MEMS, Sensors and Integrated Circuits Implantable Devices and Neural Interface Medical Robotics, Equipment, and Prosthetics Packaging and Board Level Assembly Advanced Materials and Reliability For more information about event attendance, sponsorships, or exhibiting, please email with the subject line "The Body Electric". Special SMART Microsystems Facility Tour Planned for Wednesday, May 22nd Presented by VISIT SMTA.ORG/MEDICAL FOR MORE INFORMATION

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