PCB Design Is All in the Family
With Nicole Pacino
I shared a flight with Nicole
Pacino on the way to Altium
Live in Munich, and she men-
tioned that her father was
speaking at the show. I went
down the list of speakers, and
it turned out that her dad is
Mike Creeden of San Diego PCB. In Germany, I
asked Nicole to tell us about how she got into
this industry, and what we could do to draw
more young people into this career.
DAIKIN Adopts Mentor's Xpedition
PCB Design Platform for Global
Design and Data Management
Mentor, a Siemens business, today announced
that DAIKIN, one of the world's leading air
conditioning manufacturers, selected Mentor's
Xpedition printed circuit board (PCB) design
flow software as their global design environ-
George Fox University: Teaching
PCB Design to EE Students
Gary Spivey is director of en-
gineering projects at George
Fox University, a Christian col-
lege in the Pacific Northwest,
and his students learn to de-
sign and fabricate a PCB while
also giving back to the com-
munity. Not surprisingly, these graduates get
snapped up quickly. In this wide-ranging inter-
view, Spivey discusses GFU's engineering cur-
riculum, their cutting-edge lab facilities, and
the need to teach students to think critically.
SimplifyDA: Time for a New
Autorouter Paradigm?
At DesignCon, I spoke
with SimplifyDA CEO
Zen Liao and Director
of Sales and Marketing
Dale Hanzelka. Simplify-
DA is putting a new twist
on the old autorouter by utilizing topological
technology. I asked them to discuss their ap-
proach to autorouting, and how they plan to
entice more PCB designers to use routers. Is it
time for a paradigm shift in autorouting?
The Shaughnessy Report:
The Youth of the Industry
When was the last time
your company hired
someone straight out
of school, or even un-
der 40? Until recently,
I would have guessed
1985. But there's something happening, and I
hope it's the beginning of a trend. Young peo-
ple are once again entering the PCB design
community workforce, and the overall PCB
manufacturing industry as well.
EMA Partners with
Berkeley SkyDeck
EMA Design Automa-
tion has announced a
partnership with Berke-
ley SkyDeck. This part-
nership provides Or-
CAD software to SkyDeck startups for use in
the design and development of printed circuit
board (PCB) electronics within their innova-
tive products.
for the latest circuit design news and information—anywhere, anytime.
Nicole Pacino
Zen Liao & Dale Hanzelka
Gary Spivey