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60 SMT007 MAGAZINE I AUGUST 2019 The final phase of becoming a preferred sup- plier is to apply a business process re-engi- neer approach to your quality system. Before you start with this phase, the company should have implemented Phase 1 and Phase 2, which are focused on changing its leadership men- tality to embrace LEAN Six Sigma and the pil- lars of operational excellence. It's paramount to have the right mindset before you re-engi- neer your quality system. Most organizations build their quality sys- tems for compliance to ISO 9001 or industry- specific standards, such as AS9100, ISO 13485, TL 9000, or TS 16949. It's important to main- tain these certifications to reassure existing and new customers that the manufacturing facil- ity has implemented quality systems compli- ant to a recognized quality management stan- dard. However, a mistake that is often made is to develop procedures and a structure solely focused on passing registration and surveil- lance audits to maintain these certifications. The business objective when implementing a quality management system is to develop Becoming the Preferred Supplier, Phase 3: Re-engineer Your Quality System In Search of Operational Excellence by Alfred Macha, AMT PARTNERS