PCB007 Magazine


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34 PCB007 MAGAZINE I AUGUST 2019 MilAero007 Highlights high-tech quantum device from the NUS Cen- tre for Quantum Technologies (CQT) is now orbiting in space together. NASA Invests in 3D Printing for Aviation E Additive manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing, is a promising new technology for all areas of aviation manufacturing. Additive manufacturing's flexibility in design and cus- tomization, cost reduction, and speed in de- livering finished parts make it a perfect fit for creating parts used in aviation contexts. 'Eyes' for the Autopilot E Automatic landings have long been standard procedure for commercial aircraft. While major airports have the infrastructure nec- essary to ensure the safe navigation of the aircraft, this is usually not the case at smaller airports. Collins Aerospace's David Adams Earns Dieter Bergman IPC Fellowship Award E In recognition of his ongoing leadership in developing and promoting IPC standards on a global basis, IPC—Association Connect- ing Electronics Industries—bestowed a Dieter Bergman IPC Fellowship Award upon David Adams, Collins Aerospace, at the recent IPC SummerCom. Aerospace Entrepreneur Burt Rutan to Keynote IPC APEX EXPO 2020 E IPC APEX EXPO 2020 will feature aerospace entrepreneur and Virgin Galactic spacecraft de- signer Burt Rutan. During the opening keynote on February 4, Rutan will present, "SpaceShi- pOne: A New Era in Commercial Space Travel and Inspiration for Innovation and the New Race for Space." NASA Seeks Input from U.S. Industry on Artemis Lander Development E In a major step toward returning astronauts to the surface of the Moon under the Artemis lu- nar exploration program and preparing for fu- ture missions to Mars, NASA is seeking com- ments from American companies interested in providing an integrated human landing system to put the first woman and next man on the Moon by 2024. Behind the Scenes of the Apollo Mission at MIT E From making the lunar landings possible to in- terpret the meaning of the moon rocks, the In- stitute was a vital part of history. Math Invented for Moon Landing Helps Your Flight Arrive on Time E They say the computers onboard the Apollo spacecraft were not even as powerful as your smartphone. So, how did they travel all that way, perform complex maneuvers in space, and return through Earth's atmosphere at just the right angle to splashdown in the Pacific Ocean? Lockheed Martin Wins $492M Contract for High-mobility Artillery Rocket System Launchers E Lockheed Martin will produce High-Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) launchers and associated hardware for the U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps, Romania, and Poland un- der a $492 million contract, marking Poland's first acquisition of HIMARS launchers. Of Art and Satellites E A quotation from The Golden Record 2.0—a play written for the NUS Arts Festival—and a

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