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58 SMT007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2019 an ecosystem of these organizations, whether it be standards bodies, entities for collabo- ration and roadmaps, etc. It does everyone good. Our key message is advancing the tech- nology through collaborative work, the key- word being "collaborative." How can we col- laboratively accelerate the closing of these gaps? There is a healthy slice of challenges and opportunities that the industry can address most efficiently through collaboration. ____________________________ NextFlex's Perspective on Trending Standards Topics I-Connect007 also discussed standards with NextFlex—a consortium of companies, aca- demic institutions, non-profits, and state, local, and federal governments with a shared goal of advancing U.S. manufacturing of FHE. While NextFlex did not have an opportunity to sit down for a full interview, we did dis- cuss standards with Scott Miller, director of strategic programs, and Wilfried Bair, VP of engineering, both with NextFlex. On the topic of standards, Miller said, "Standards for manu- facturing, testing, and reliability are increas- ingly important in flexible hybrid elec- tronics, and while some initial work on testing as part of an early project call was completed at NextFlex, the community has looked to standards developing organi- zations (SDOs) like IPC to apply the rigor around standards development that the indus- try requires." He continued, "In the future, standards for design and test will absolutely be necessary to facilitate the wide adoption of FHE technology." And while discussing some specific stan- dards, Wilfried Bair stated, "While we can apply the majority of test methods and stan- dards used for standard copper flex PCBs for flexible hybrid PCBs, currently, we see a gap in reliability standards for two important areas for FHE: stretchable or skin-/body-worn electron - ics." He added, "We encourage standards devel- opment organizations to focus on standards for these emerging wearable applications." SMT007 Scott Miller Wilfried Bair stretch and move with the skin, while all connections between the skin and the electronics are printed in skin- safe silver ink. The "feel through interface," as in the sticky tape ele- ment, is only half the thickness of a human hair, making it the thinnest wearable tactile device to date, and so thin that it doesn't interfere with the normal sense of touch. Tacttoos are also inexpensive; mass- produced, the material content would cost less than one cent each. "We want people to be able to wear it today and remove it tomorrow—and we want people to be able to create it themselves," Withana says. (Source: University of Sydney) Anusha Withana, a researcher from the University of Sydney's School of Computer Science, is develop- ing wearable technology that could be used to control devices, receive information, and even register sensation through cellphone-like vibrations. This could have bene- fits in robotics, education, game-playing, and for people with disabilities. Withana is working with a team in Germany to develop what is effectively a printable electronic fake tattoo called the Tacttoo that can be personalized to specific needs. Tacttoo is screen-printed with a circuit made from polymer- based conductive inks, which can How Electronic Skin Could Help People With Disabilities

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