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64 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2019 standards committee he is part of. Next, Judy Warner talked about AltiumLive 2019 and her OnTrack podcast. The feature presentation by Vincent Himpe of Tesla was well received and sparked some lively discussion. His talk, "What's in a Name: Making Sure There Is No Ambiguity When Exchanging Data," explored several key items. He touched on schematic symbols, refer- ence designators, footprints, net names, com- ponent values, and file names. Our next meeting will be October 24 in San Jose. Zuken will host, and Pal Pilot will spon- sor lunch. Scott Nuance from Optimum Design Asso- ciates will present "Best Practices for RF and Mixed Technology PCB Design." I will be set- ting up the invitation in a few weeks, so save the date. Cascade Chapter (Seattle), Washington Chapter Leader: Tim Mullin In addition to my role as the Cascade Chapter presi- dent, other board members include Paul Brendt (VP), Jerome Larez (treasurer), Aubrey Moore (secretary), Cherie Litson (education chairperson), and Cory Grunwald (webmas- ter). Held at the Lake Washington Institute of Technology, we had our Q1 meeting in April. Dinner was sponsored by Aerotek, and speak- ers included Cherie Litson, Tim Mullin, and Jerome Larez. The roundtable discussion cov- ered three topics: cutting-edge technologies, IPC standards, and materials and processes. Held in June, Mentor was the dinner spon- sor for the Q2 meeting, and the guest speaker was Robert Hanson, who discussed "Achiev- ing Signal Integrity and Meeting EMI Radiation Requirements." The speakers and topics are still to be deter- mined, but our Q3 meeting will be held on Sep- tember 18, and the Q4 meeting will be Decem- ber 4, both at the Lake Washington Institute of Technology. Mark your calendars! Research Triangle Park (RTP) Chapter, North Carolina Chapter Leader: Tony Cosentino The Research Triangle Park (RTP) Chapter supports the Raleigh-Durham area, and we held our first meeting at the end of January, including an election for the new slate of leaders: myself as president, Randy Faucette (VP), Steve Trasatto (treasurer), Ian Jackson (secretary), and Lance Olive (mem - bership). Hosted by Protolabs in Morrisville, North Carolina, the guest speaker was Eric Utley, applications engineer at Protolabs, who spoke on "3D Printing: Beyond Prototyping." The 24 attendees also toured the Protolabs facility. Our March meeting including 20 attendees and was hosted by CertifiGroup in Cary, North Carolina. Josh Hunt, field service manager at CertifiGroup, addressed "Environmental Test- ing for Reliability of Products and Compo- nents." There was also a site tour of the Certi- fiGroup facility. In June, there were 25 attendees. Ian Jack- son, the elected secretary, dropped out of office due to workload issues, and the position is open and being backfilled by Steve Trasatto, the current treasurer. Hosted by Ixia, a Keysight Business, in Morrisville, North Carolina, guest speakers Shruthi Soora and Dr. Mike Barts from the Wireless Research Center addressed "PCB Antenna Considerations From Concept to Certification." Figure 1: Year-over-year growth for PCB Carolina. Tony Cosentino Tim Mullin

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