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SEPTEMBER 2019 I PCB007 MAGAZINE 9 The Ecosystem of Industry Standards by the I-Connect007 Editorial Team Standards are a community and governmental pro- cess, if you will, formalizing methods and techniques to allow for consistency and repeatability across the industry. Thus, there are many participants in the standards definition processes from individual volun- teers to corporations to industry organizations—all participate in the standards processes in some way. I-Connect007 reached out to representatives from several industry standards organizations and talked with them about how they participate in the standards process. Along the way, these conversations clarify which group does what, how they all work together as well as clarify and dispel a couple of industry myths. Join us for some interview excerpts from IPC's Dave Bergman, iNEMI's Marc Benowitz, and NextFlex execu- tives Scott Miller and Wilfried Bair. This article was published in the September issue of SMT007 Magazine. Click here to read the full article. Arastu, Jeff Beauchamp, Harry Kennedy, and Ruben Contreras from NCAB Group present, "Standards: Why We Have Them and Live by Them." Sprinkled amongst the full-length fea- tures are quick pointers to some valuable stan- dards pieces published by I-Connect007 ear- lier this month: Jan Pedersen and Ray Prasad in "To Improve the Standards Process, Get In- volved," Graham Naisbitt with "The Long Road to a New Standard," and Leo Lambert on "So Many Committees, So Little Time." Dr. John Mitchell writes on "Maintaining a Strong Economy Through Workforce Develop- ment," and Todd Kolmodin addresses "Under- standing the Fine Print." Jean-Pierre Theret's article on "The Future of 'Substances and Ma- terials in Products' Data Exchange Formats as Standards" is next followed by Juha Saily's "New High-speed 3D Surface Imaging Tech- nology in Electronics Manufacturing Applica- tions." Mike Hill continues with Part 2 of, "The Past 15 Years: Changes to MIL-PRF-31032 Cer- tification" and Mike Carano details "Working With Flexible Circuits." Already this month, our issues on standards have created quite a lot of conversation among readers. In the end, creating standards is a col- laborative, and dare we say democratic, pro- cess. The wider the range of voices and the deeper the expertise that becomes involved in the standards process, the better the outcome for us all. And if you'd like to have a conver- sation on standards or anything else related to our industry, we're always listening. Contact me or any of the rest of the I-Connect007 edito- rial team at We'll look for your name on future standards docu- ments. PCB007 References 1. Encyclopedia Britannica, "Flag." 2. Encyclopedia Britannica, "Standard." Nolan Johnson is managing editor of PCB007 Magazine. Nolan brings 30 years of career experience focused almost entirely on electronics de- sign and manufacturing. To contact Johnson, click here.