It's Only Common Sense:
Hiring the Best E
Here are five tips, including
suggested interview ques-
tions, to ensure that you hire
the best salespeople for your
Ladle on Manufacturing:
Sunday Afternoon in Dongguan E
Every time Marc Ladle
comes to China, there is
always something new to
see. But even with a rea-
sonable amount of prior
experience, he has been a
little surprised by what he
has seen in Dongguan.
Automotive PCB Market
Global Outlook E
The global auto-
motive PCB mar-
ket is expected to
reach more than
$14 billion during
2018–2024, main-
ly driven by the
rising applicability of rigid-flex PCBs, the pen-
etration of in-vehicle infotainment systems,
the arrival of new energy vehicles, and the in-
creased potential of ADAS.
Better to Light a Candle:
Chapter Four—Next Steps for
Developing the Future Workforce E
This fourth installment of
Marc Carter's column se-
ries will give the prospects
and status of repeat (per-
haps even expanded) class-
es at Michigan Tech, and re-
port on developing contacts
at other prospective university, industry, and
government nodes for similar efforts to ensure
basic printed circuit technology familiarity of
college graduates over the next few years.
TTM Technologies Unveils
Executive Transition E
Catherine Gridley has joined
TTM Technologies Inc.'s ex-
ecutive team as senior vice
president and president of
the aerospace and defense/
specialty (A&D) business unit
(BU). She will formally as-
sume the A&D leadership role on January 1,
Punching Out! Mid-2019
M&A Round-up E
There have been quite a
few deals in North America
in the PCB and EMS spaces
over the past 12 months.
What's remarkable is that so
many of these deals involve
private equity.
For the Latest PCB News and Information, Visit:
Catherine Gridley
Tom Kastner
Marc Carter
Marc Ladle
Dan Beaulieu