AT&S and Chongqing University
Collaborate on Research and
Education E
It represents a mile-
stone for AT&S as
a first high-end IC
substrates manufac-
turer in China part-
nering with one of
the universities af-
filiated to the Ministry of Education of China
in research and education excellence.
Punching Out! SMTAI 2019 E
My firm goes to a lot of trade
shows—at least one each
month—because it is a great
way to meet business owners
as well as their trusted advi-
sors. Trade shows are also an
excellent way to hear indus-
try information that otherwise we would not
hear. Tom Kastner shares his experience from
SMTAI 2019.
Happy Holden Previews His
AltiumLive Frankfurt Keynote E
Andy Shaughnessy inter-
views Happy Holden, who
gave a keynote speech at this
year's AltiumLive event in
Frankfurt, Germany. Happy
gives a preview of his pre-
sentation, which focused on
smart factories and automa-
tion, and why AI might improve PCB design
and fabrication in the future.
Nano Dimension, CBTP Collaborate
in Additive Manufacturing Research E
Nano Dimension Ltd., a lead-
ing additive electronics pro-
vider for electronics, has
signed a multi-year Memoran-
dum of Understanding (MoU)
with Chungbuk Technopark
(CBTP), in South Korea, for
research collaboration in the
field of additive manufacturing of electronics.
Editor Picks from PCB007
Happy Holden
Tom Kastner