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DECEMBER 2019 I SMT007 MAGAZINE 55 Nolan Johnson stopped by for a chat with Ranjan Chatterjee, VP and GM, smart factory business, for Cimetrix. They discuss the CIM Control Framework (CCF) platform, a software environment to deliver SMT automation with minimal setup and a rapid ROI. Click image to view video. Cimetrix on Their CFF Platform will, doesn't show up until perhaps months later. Forsythe: That's correct. It turns into a lifecycle issue. Generally, that's where people find their inspiration. It's like, "Wow, we're starting to have these issues. We've been doing it a certain way for a long time. We had the data, and every- thing was great." But the electronics world is a world of constant, incremental change. Occa- sionally, there are big whooshes, but what hap- pens eventually is you fall off the edge of the world, and something doesn't hang together. People are encountering those challenges. They're saying, "What do we do?" And hope- fully, they've read one of the articles that we've written or a white paper at APEX or SMTAI and said, "Let me call them because it sounds like they know how to solve this problem because my boss really doesn't like this problem." Matties: I would make the case, even if you're dealing with an engineer that is from the no- clean generation, that they may not even real- ize they need to talk to a cleaning person. Forsythe: Agreed. That's one of the chal- lenges. We try to get the word out, and that's where industry organizations are a tremen- dous resource for the engineers in our indus- try because people will share. We get a lot of suggestions by going to a chapter meeting and talking with people. If you're a younger engineer coming along, that's where you can learn from the gray-hairs. There's wisdom in doing it. Matties: Tom, it's always great to chat with you. Forsythe: It's great to see you. I'm glad you could come to productronica. SMT007

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