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8 SMT007 MAGAZINE I DECEMBER 2019 Nolan's Notes by Nolan Johnson, I-CONNECT007 What You Need to Know Last month, the I-Connect007 team attended productronica in Munich. We spent the week touring the exhibition floor, talking to indus- try leaders, and bringing back news and inter- views. You've undoubtedly already seen our photo gallery coverage in the I-Connect007 Daily Newsletter (if not, I encourage you to subscribe). And believe me, productronica gave us a lot of news to cover. In response, this month we're going to get right to the good stuff: what you need to know, and the news from productronica. This issue includes an article on risk miti- gation from APCT Global's Kimberly Johnson and Tony Torres. Next, we have interviews with Oren Manor from Mentor, A Siemens Business, on digital factories; Karthik Vijay from Indium Corporation on "The Convergence of 5G and Automotive;" Altium's Ben Jordan, sharing his vision on how using cloud storage technology in PCB design and manufacturing will change our industry; KYZEN's Tom Forsythe on clean vs. no-clean; Arch Systems' Ridhi Kantelal on upgrading a line to digital; and Curtis Smith from Huntron Inc., who covers thoughtful best practices for PCB repair. We also have columns from Eric Camden, Ray Prasad, Michael Ford, and Alfred Macha, which all deliver informa- tion you need to know. Further, we have exclusive coverage of the IPC World Hand Soldering Competition held during productronica, including the award cer- emony. This event brings together some of the most skilled handwork talent on the planet, competing for top honors, reputation, and prizes. And congratulations to Indra Setiawan from PT.SIIX EMS, Indonesia, West Java—the 2019 champion! But wait, there's more! We also conducted productronica interviews aplenty, both in video and print; some of both appear in this magazine, and you can also find them online in our RealTime with… series. Read and watch the interviews to get a snapshot of the action at productronica for yourself. Enjoy! SMT007 Nolan Johnson is managing editor of SMT007 Magazine. Nolan brings 30 years of career experience focused almost entirely on electron- ics design and manufacturing. To contact Johnson, click here. I-Connect007 brings you coverage of the award ceremony for the IPC World Hand Soldering Competition from produc- tronica 2019. Congratulations to Indra Setiawan from PT.SIIX EMS, Indonesia, West Java—the 2019 champion! IPC World Hand Soldering Competition Award Ceremony