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34 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JANUARY 2020 • A portal for the electronics industry to ver- ify if equipment has been third-party vali- dated to CFX message sets • A cloud-based application for equipment vendors and manufacturing facilities to self-evaluate their equipment to CFX • Technical support services to assist manu- facturing operations looking to implement CFX-based solutions As IPC releases these solutions, we will announce them to the CFX Subcommittee members. To be sure you get the information as soon as it becomes available, sign up for the Subcommittee and demonstrate your support for CFX by visiting Now, one final true or false statement. ______________________ "I plan to implement CFX." Answer: True IPC, led by the Subcommittee, will help to make that happen. SMT007 David Bergman is IPC's VP of standards and technology. Brook Sandy-Smith, IPC's technical conference program manager, provides an overview of networking opportunities, including the Newcomers' Networking Reception, the Women in Electronics Reception, and the Trivia Networking Night. Click image below to watch video. (Source: IPC) IPC APEX EXPO 2020 Networking Events