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54 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JANUARY 2020 Feature Interview by Nolan Johnson I-CONNECT007 Graham Naisbitt of Gen3 talks about changes he sees in cleaning, including how the WP-019 white paper has caused a closer look at elec- trochemical reliability. As a long-time head of committees, Graham also breaks down many of the topics he hopes are addressed at this year's IPC APEX EXPO. Nolan Johnson: Graham, even though so many members of this industry know who you are, I'm going to have you introduce yourself again. Graham Naisbitt: On behalf of IPC and IEC, I am the vice-chair of the IPC 5-30 Committee, which embraces many different topics. I'm also vice- chair or chair of both the SIR and the CAF test groups, and some major changes have taken place with the document that is used by the industry on how to assemble electronic circuits. In October of 2018, J-STD-001 was changed with respect to Section 8 relating to cleaning, where we dropped the number that everyone has been relying on: 1.56 micrograms per cen- timeter squared of sodium chloride equiva- lence. The reasons for dropping that are cov- ered comprehensively in the WP-019 white paper, which sets out the rationale for making these changes. It's having a profound effect on the industry because with new products mov- ing forward, we now have to look more closely at electrochemical reliability. Electrochemical reliability has become more and more relevant as the consequence of miniaturization in cir- cuitry and circuit designs and working effec- tively in an increasingly hostile operating envi- ronment. One of the challenges that the industry faces is that most process chemistries produced today have non-ionic additives that are used to aid wetting or de-wetting, as the case may be. These are not detectable by the existing or pre- vailing techniques. Insulation resistance test- ing, however, is something that has been used and embraced widely for at least the last 15–20 years, and I've been directly involved in most of the scientific research that originally kicked off around 1987 when we were dealing with the Montreal Protocol and the removal of CFCs, and that coincided with the introduction of no- clean processes. No-clean presents some kind of tough challenges because if it's not going Updates on Cleaning Standards and Committees Graham Naisbitt

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