New Book Highlights Approaches
to Ensure Reliability in Your
Assembly Process
Learn how to ensure elec-
trochemical reliability with
The Printed Circuit Assem-
bler's Guide to… Process Vali-
dation—the latest title in our
educational library.
SMT Prospects & Perspectives—
Revisiting Globalization:
Technology, Jobs, Trade
In 2004, Dr. Jennie Hwang
wrote a column titled "Glo-
balization: Technology, Jobs,
Trade," which was published
in the July issue of SMT007
Magazine. Amid the protracted
and roller-coaster trade uncer-
tainty between the U.S. and China, and the
renewed debate on globalization, she revisits
the topic. What has changed over the last 15
years? Where do we stand today? Is globaliza-
tion undergoing a retreat or reverse course?
Quest for Reliability:
Voices Carry
The title of Eric Camden's col-
umn this month is "Voices
Carry," so not only is it a great
chance to revisit the wonder-
fully written, top-10 hit song
by 'Til Tuesday/Aimee Mann,
but it is also a good opportunity to share the
voices of modern electronics and electronic
assembly processes.
Zulki's PCB Nuggets: Vital Details for
Implantable Medical Devices
In addition to smart pills
and smart cameras, which
Zulki Khan covered in a pre-
vious column, another seg-
ment of the medical electron-
ics devices market is rapidly
growing, as well: implantable medical devices,
which medical personnel surgically or other-
wise insert into various parts of the human
body. Zulki explains the extra measures
required for these devices.
MacDermid Alpha Electronics
Solutions Announces the
Acquisition of Kester
MacDermid Alpha
Electronics Solu-
tions—a leader in
the production of
innovative materials
used in semiconductor, circuitry, and electron-
ics assembly—announced that it has acquired
Kester from Illinois Tool Works Inc.
SMT Solver: Today's
Soldering Options
If you have to deal with mixed-
assembly boards with both
surface-mount and through-
hole components—as is the
case today for more than 95%
of electronic products—the
selection of a soldering process becomes more
complex, especially if you use both tin-lead
and lead-free components on the same board.
For the latest news and information, visit SMT007.com. Subscribe
to our newsletters or premium content at my I-Connect007.
Ray Prasad
Dr. Jennie Hwang
Eric Camden
Zulki Khan