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2 I-CONNECT007 I REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2020 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE Welcome to Real Time with… IPC APEX EXPO 2020 Show & Tell by Nolan Johnson IPC Photo Gallery Some of the most memorable images from IPC APEX EXPO 2020 Elevating the Excellence of Electronics at IPC APEX EXPO 2020 by John Mitchell I-Connect007 Real Time with… IPC APEX EXPO 2020 Video Showcase Featured RTW interviews and sponsors I-Connect007 Real Time with… IPC APEX EXPO 2020 Video Library A collection of all RTW interviews at IPC APEX EXPO 2020 Thank You, I-Connect007 Contributors! by Barry Matties Happy's Highlights by Happy Holden Congratulations to Steve Pudles! IPC Hall of Fame 2020 Inductee by Patty Goldman 6 8 12 16 22 24 30 36 12 30 36