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52 I-CONNECT007 I REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2020 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE At a special event in San Diego, California, on February 3, 2020, I-Connect007 was pleased to announce the recipients of this year's pres- tigious Good for the Industry Award. The following I-Connect007 columnists from vari- ous industry segments— including Design007, PCB007, SMT007, and Flex007—were recognized and celebrated for shar- i n g t h e i r k n ow l e d g e and expertise with the industry. This year's re- cipients each had 50 or more contributions since becoming I-Connect007 columnists. Publisher Barry Matties said, "At I-Connect007, we believe being good for the industry means help- ing the industry improve cycle time, lower cost, increase yields, build better products, increase profitability, reduce waste, become overall more efficient, do things differently, and moti- vate and inspire others to do the same—all things that are good for the industry. These are things that we strive to do in our own business every day." Kiersten Rohde, I-Con- n e c t 0 0 7 e d i t o r a n d columnist coordinator, stated, "It was an honor to recognize these col- umnists and all the work they have contributed to the industry over many years. They're an incred- ible group of industry experts and I greatly respect their commitment to education and knowl- edge-sharing." The entire I-Connect007 team congratulates these recipients and thanks them for being good for the industry.

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