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52 SMT007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2020 A1-0918 Horizontal Communication Between Equipment; SEMI E5-1217, Communications Standard 2 Message Con- tent (SECS-II); SEMI E4-0418, Equipment Communications Standard 1 Message Transfer (SECS-I). 7. Hermes Standard. 8. IPC-CFX Standard. 9. J. Moyne, S. Mashiro, and D. Gross, "Determining a Security Roadmap for the Microelectronics Industry," 29 th Annual SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC), pp. 291–294, 2018. 10. IEC 62443 3-2. 11. 12. EDB Singapore, "The Singapore Smart Industry Readiness Index," October 22, 2019. 13. Ranjan Chatterjee is vice president and general manager, smart factory business, at Cimetrix. Dan Gamota is vice president, manufacturing technology and innovation, at Jabil. opportunities to leverage existing smart manu- facturing guidelines and standards. Acknowledgments Thank you to the members of the iNEMI Smart Manufacturing TWG. Their dedication, thought leadership, and deep appreciation for SMT enabling technologies was critical to pre- paring the roadmap chapter. In addition, we would like to thank the par- ticipants and facilitators of the SEMI Smart Manufacturing Workshop—Practical Imple- mentations and Applications of Smart Manu- facturing (Milpitas, California, on November 27, 2018). SMT007 References 1. 2019 iNEMI Roadmap. 2. U.S. National Institute Standard and Technology's Special Publication 800-82. 3. U.S. National Institute Standard and Technology's Special Publication 800-171. 4. IEEE International Roadmap for Devices and Systems, Factory Integration. 5. Japan Robot Association's Standard No. 1014. 6. SEMI E30-0418, Generic Model for Communications and Control of Manufacturing Equipment (GEM); SEMI Reports have questioned whether electric cars really are "greener" once emissions from production and gener- ating their electricity are taken into account. But a new study by the universities of Exeter, Nijmegen, and Cambridge has concluded that electric cars lead to Electric Cars Better for Climate in 95% of the World lower carbon emissions overall, even if electricity gener- ation still relies on fossil fuels. The results are reported in the journal Nature Sustainability. Under current conditions, driving an electric car is bet- ter for the climate than conventional petrol cars in 95% of the world, the study finds. Average lifetime emissions from electric cars are up to 70% lower than petrol cars in countries like Sweden and France (which get most of their electricity from renewables and nuclear), and around 30% lower in the U.K. The study projects that by 2050, every other car on the streets could be electric. This would reduce global CO 2 emissions by up to 1.5 gigatons per year, which is equivalent to the total current CO 2 emissions of Russia. (Source: University of Exeter)