Message From the Chairman
by Stephen Chavez, MIT, CID+
As chairman of PCEA, let me
start off this first-ever "Mes-
sage From the Chairman" by
saying that it is an honor and
privilege to be selected to lead
such a large global group of tal-
ented and passionate veteran industry leaders.
As we move forward and establish a path for
PCEA, collaboration, inspiration, and educa-
tion are at the core of what the organization is
all about.
Looking back earlier in my career, when I
made the decision (more like a huge nudge
from one of my early mentors) to get in-
volved and become an industry contributor,
it made such an enormous positive difference
in my career and within my personal life as
well! Not only have I had continued success
as a printed circuit engineer, but I have had
the great fortune to meet many great indus-
try colleagues who have become dear friends
over time. I was lucky enough to get guid-
ance back then, but only after lots and lots of
struggling on my own.
As the newly elected chairman of PCEA,
serving our global chapters and members, col-
laboration, inspiration, and education are truly
at the core of my passion as well. I intend to
give my all to make a positive difference in our
ever-evolving industry and to help others suc-
ceed in their profession, like those who have
helped me along the way.
I highly encourage you all to get involved!
Join the PCEA by visiting our website (www.
pce-a.org) and registering as a member to be-
come part of the PCEA collective. You can al-
From left to right: Mike Creeden, Stephen Chavez, Randy Kumagai (president of the Phoenix PCEA Chapter),
Cherie Litson, Judy Warner, and Gary Ferrari.