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82 PCB007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2020 Interview by Barry Matties I-CONNECT007 On April 3, 2020, Teresa Rowe, IPC's direc- tor of assembly and standards technology, and David Bergman, vice president, talked to Barry Matties about ongoing standards activities dur- ing the global COVID-19 outbreak. Rowe and Bergman reported that, where one might think that standards committees would be negatively affected, standards work seems to be going stronger than ever. More people seem to be finding time in their workday to get involved in the standards meetings when in-office demands on their time may have oth- erwise kept them away. IPC is still planning on different standards, white papers in design, PCBs, materials, assembly pieces, cybersecu- rity, and more, and its ongoing work on stan- dards will continue to move forward. IPC has been operating as a mostly remote organization for a number of years, so the var- ious shelter-in-place orders are not hindering IPC Standards Work Continues to Move Forward IPC work. IPC Works—a task force communi- cation tool—has been widely embraced by the committees. Bergman noted that even though suddenly everyone is working from home, work is progressing. The standards process, he said, has been found to be worth the industry's attention even while we work from home. IPC and participants are learning the power of words "you can't show people on a telecon- ference; you have to explain it." Rowe pointed out that standards are about using words to standardize, and committees seem to be re- learning the power of precise explanation. By getting more people involved in the teleconfer- ences, the input has been more diverse. Barry Matties: Today, I'm speaking with IPC's Dave Bergman, vice president of standards and technology, and Teresa Rowe, director of as- sembly and standards technology. Thanks for joining us, both of you. With the outbreak, it certainly hasn't been business as usual, and at IPC, I know that there is a lot of response going David Bergman Teresa Rowe