PCB007 Magazine


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36 PCB007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2020 sues even more efficiently. This is to ensure that the end result takes us closer to delivering defect-free PCBs. Objectives should be set in place to ensure that we are well-placed and capable of meet- ing the technical needs and expectations of the customer and the evolving market, as well as to ensure that the "tools" we have and the ways of working are as effective and efficient as they need to be to properly service and sup- port customers. Everyone benefits from a con- tinued commitment to personnel development and providing training in all disciplines. In col- laboration, teams should be integrated so that sales, quality, and engineering are able to work together and develop best practices. For example, to create awareness, dialogue, and cooperation for sustainable development, NCAB Group communicates through many dif- the start will lower the total costs for everyone involved in the project. A Responsible Approach to Waste and Recycling Even though you may not be the design au- thority or own the finished product, to minimize waste, you have to take full responsibility re- garding your part of the product life cycle. With the start of the life cycle, you must do what you can to ensure that your circuit boards last. One of the main strategies to do this is by thinking with a quality-first mentality by en- gaging with your customers and helping them design products that utilize advanced capabili- ties, which are not unnecessarily complex. This helps to ensure that waste is minimized within the factories and during its working lifetime. While the boards are being processed, it's al- ways a good idea to report yields against fac- tory targets; whenever out of control events are identified, investigate them with the same diligence as an investigation into a non-confor- mity. It's also imperative to monitor electronic waste according to the local waste laws so that it may be recycled. Three Key Factors Collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and pro- activity are key factors when developing qual- ity work. We should all focus on finding ways of improving a method of working to better handle customer requests and resolve any is- NCAB Group Sweden Technical Manager Kenneth Jonsson at NCAB Group lab. Team members at NCAB Group lab performing testing. NCAB-designated equipment at a partner factory.

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