PCB007 Magazine


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38 PCB007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2020 Working together with both customers and factories, the goal is to produce high-quality PCBs in a sustainable way. This is typically thought of as an extra cost, but our method to implement sustainability helps the customer achieve the lowest total cost. In the product de- velopment phase, we engage with our custom- ers to develop a sustainable design and then select the best factory for each project with the ability to move a project from one factory to another seamlessly. It's important that we leverage our strong relationships to increase profitability for our customers, the factories, and us. From getting the design right from the start all the way through to shipping the PCBs, sus- tainability initiatives result in more profitabil- ity for our customers. We encourage all of our customers to learn more about sustainability, including ways to improve costs using sustain- able methods. If we continue to collaborate, share knowledge, and work with a quality-first mindset, the resources we invest in our sus- tainability strategy more than pay for them- selves. PCB007 Harry Kennedy is a field application engineer at NCAB Group. ferent channels. We have published a variety of videos, including advice on sustainability and how to work in a sustainable way, illustrations of the production process, and technical FAQs. We have also conducted hundreds of techni- cal seminars to educate our customers, and we have had our customers visit our factory part- ners. Sharing this knowledge has helped effi- ciency for both our customers and our partners. Conclusion To implement all of these strategies into long-term success, since 2014, NCAB Group has built a sustainability strategy, which speci- fies our long-term goals and focus areas. With clear priorities, the strategy guides us in the right direction to gain sustainable business growth and achieve the positive changes we want to see in our industry. We have divided our sustainability work into three focus areas in relation to our pri- oritized stakeholder groups: customers, em- ployees, and factories. It illustrates how our sustainability work strengthens and adds value to these relationships. For increased credibil- ity, we have based our strategy on ISO 26000 (Guidance on Social Responsibility)—an inter- national standard that provides guidance on how a business may operate in a sustainable way. Our internal and external ISO audits also includes ISO 26000. Equipment and circuit boards during the production process at a PCB factory.

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