PCB007 Magazine


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84 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2020 and the QM program. This self-validation pro- cess is exactly the same as the self-audits of ISO-9000/AS9100. The time required for this step is 1–2 weeks. Step 5: Pre-Validation Submittal Once the self-validation is complete, it's time to prepare the pre-validation submission for DLA. The pre-validation package consists of the QM plan, the self-validation audit and cor- rective actions, and the qualification test plan and results. These three items are necessary to obtain a validation audit from DLA. The time required for this step is 1–5 days. Step 6: DLA Validation Audit The qualifying activity (DLA) will review the pre-validation submission for compliance with MIL-PRF-31032. DLA will schedule a validation audit once all of the pre-validation information is approved. This audit is a detailed review of your entire military management system (QM) and its potential effectivity. The audit report will identify all validation findings that do not meet MIL-PRF-31032. The time required for this phase is a function of internal and DLA resources and can vary considerably. DLA's validation audit depends on how much time has been allocated to au- dits and how many companies are ahead of your request. As a result, this phase can take from 2–7 months. Step 7: Implementation and Certification In this final phase, the TRB must respond with actions to all initial DLA validation find- ings. Any rejected corrective actions to audit findings will be communicated in writing to the attention of the TRB. TRB is responsible for closing each finding with DLA. Once all the corrective actions have been ap- proved by the qualifying activity (DLA) and all the qualification fabrication data is accepted, a MIL-PRF-31032 certification will be issued. The certification letter from DLA will detail the approved technologies of your qualified manu- facturers list (QML). Once the start is acknowledged by DLA, a thorough review of the MIL-PRF-31032 docu- ments must be done and communicated within the implementation team. The implementation team will carry the title of the Technical Re- view Board (TRB) per MIL-PRF-31032. TRB's first assignment should be to get basic MIL- PRF-31032 training/familiarization. Once this training is complete, the next step of system documentation can begin. The certification initiation and training phase will take about 30–45 days. Step 2: Documentation Phase: Quality Management Plan The documentation for certification is con- tained in the QM plan (i.e., the military quality manual, which is the central heart of the pro- cess). A manufacturer's QM plan is its means of ensuring that printed boards meet the re- quirements of MIL-PRF-31032. The QM plan is a controlled document or set of documents that cover each requirement of MIL-PRF-31032. The time required for this step will range from 1–3 months. Step 3: Three Phases of Fabrication— Planning, Fabrication, and Testing of Qualification Parts As the QM plan is being completed, the qualification test plan can also be finished and sent to DLA for approval. This qualification plan defines the design attributes, fabrication steps, testing, and associated documentation for such parts. When the QM plan is approved by DLA, the TRB can begin the building of the qualification boards. Regardless of when the boards and/or test vehicles are fabricated, they are built using the new QM documentation. The time required for this step is 20–60 days. Step 4: Self-Audit Process The audit phase of MIL-PRF-31032 consists of a self-validation audit (per the checklist as defined in your QM documentation). Self-validation is the manufacturer's means of determining compliance with MIL-PRF-31032

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