PCB007 Magazine


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JUNE 2020 I PCB007 MAGAZINE 95 such as data collection, AI model training, coding, and exploring AI technology's societal impact. The program includes a social impact AI project that is developed with guidance from teachers and Intel mentors. AI technology is rapidly accelerating with new tools, technology, and applications requiring workers to learn new skills. Recent studies show the demand for artificial intelligence skills is expected to grow exponentially. (Source: Intel Newsroom) get the job done. It's a new process; there are new skills you need to learn. But after a while, you use all those skills without being aware that you're doing it. You just do it, like riding a bike. That's where we are today in chrome plating for automotive. It's a no-brainer any- more." How long before the PCB industry goes the same way? PCB007 Pete Starkey is technical editor for I-Connect007. Based in the UK, Starkey has more than 40 years experience in PCB manufacturing technology, with a background in process development and technical service. To contact Starkey, click here. til he understood its advantages and felt com- fortable using it. Before long, he didn't even think about it; he just accepted it as an essen- tial part of his toolset. Look at a state-of-the- art PCB today, compare it with its equivalent of only a couple of years ago, and realise how important simulation is becoming. Belis reflected on being taught about know- ing your circle of competence. "The size of that circle is not as important as knowing its bound- aries. When you need to learn something, the first thing is that you're not aware that you're not capable of doing something. If you're not aware, you're not looking for a solution. Then, you become aware, and you decide it sounds interesting, so you will very cautiously look for a solution and have to pay a lot of attention to Intel is partnering with Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) to launch the first Intel-designed artificial intelligence (AI) associate degree program in the United States. The Arizona Commerce Authority will also provide a workforce grant of $100,000 to support the pro- gram. It will enable tens of thousands of students to land careers in high-tech, healthcare, automotive, industrial, and aerospace fields. Based in Tempe, Arizona, MCCCD is the largest commu- nity college district in the U.S. with an estimated enrollment of more than 100,000 students across 10 cam- puses and 10,000 faculty and staff members. The AI program consists of cours- es that have been developed by MCCCD's faculty and Intel leaders based on Intel software and tools such as the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit and Intel Python. Intel will also contribute technical advice, faculty training, summer in- ternships, and Intel mentors for both students and faculty members. Stu- dents will learn fundamental skills, Intel Launches First Artificial Intelligence Associate Degree Program

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