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84 SMT007 MAGAZINE I AUGUST 2020 (Figure 11). This is comparing the first three months before anomaly detection was intro- duced in production to results after. That would mean for a 40,000 boards per month typical run rate, more than 8,000 extra boards would be gained in terms of pure output, which directly translates to better capacity in the factory. In addition to the pure output gain from FPY, Figure 10: Screenshot of degradation pattern anomaly prediction mapped to a location. Figure 11: FPY tracking results. facturing test. A higher FPY would mean higher throughput, which maximizes machine utiliza- tion. It also means less handling of boards due to retest that may damage or deteriorate the condition of the board. This would shorten the expected life of the product out in the field. The average and median FPY has improved significantly by 19% and 23%, respectively

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