PCB007 Magazine


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44 PCB007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2020 The military-aerospace (mil-aero) electron- ics business is always in constant flux as new methodologies, like AI and space, create the know-how for new PWB designs. In addition, as the number of threats in the world seems to be rising, the need for more unmanned solutions drives more and more electronics. In this column, I have tried to capture some of the most unusual old and new design ideas to support the notion that mil-aero revenue will continue to increase. Older Military Technology That Changed Your World To start, Noah Caldwell with Mic assembled a great overview ar- ticle [1] that provides "a quick run-down of 11 of the DoD's most famous and influential products." Here, I share just the highlights. These products not only survived the transition from wartime to peace but also thrived in the consumer market. 1. Walkie-talkies: It's no wonder the nickname "handie-talkie" never caught on. 2. Super glue: Kids and adults alike—beware. 3. Duct tape: Was actually originally called "duck tape," among a variety of other names. 4. Silly putty: Similar to the invention of the adhesive now used with Post-It Notes, silly putty was originally supposed to be something else entirely. 5. Early GPS technology: Think of satellites that transmitted loca- tional data. 6. Digital photography: "Steven Sasson of Eastman Kodak discov- ered a way to use a sensor (in- stead of film) to collect light and a means of storing the information numerically." 7. Virtual reality: Started as an experimental project where a car drove down every road in Aspen, Colorado. 8. The EpiPen: A must-have item to treat severe allergic reactions. 9. The early internet: Began with J. C. R. Licklider's conceptual framework. 10. The deep web: Also called the darknet or dark web, "the software that enabled such activity was created by the U.S. Navy and patented in 1998." 11. Nuclear energy: "May be the most unsurprising item on this list, but it's certainly one of the most important." Pillars of Mil-Aero Technology and Revenue From the Hill Feature Column by Mike Hill, MIL-Q-CONSULTING LLC

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