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18 SMT007 MAGAZINE I OCTOBER 2020 MEMS and sensors, and all of the 5G, analog, and mixed-signal stuff. For the underlying technologies, we have a chapter on each of these, such as research materials and devices. A large section on future devices, such as carbon nanotubes, is from the Electron Devices Society (EDS). There are also small sections on supply chain and security. These are big issues across much of our IP, espe- cially when there are various breakthroughs in the supply chain companies around the world, doing different things with PCB design, testing, integration, etc. We also cover thermal man- agement, co-design, and simulation. How do we find CAD/EDA systems that will integrate from the transistor model all the way up to the PCB and the system level and pass information How the HIR Impacts Design Through Assembly Feature Interview by the I-Connect007 Editorial Team In this experts meeting on the Heteroge- neous Integration Roadmap (HIR), the I-Con- nect007 editorial team met with Paul Wesling of the IEEE Electronics Packaging Society (EPS) to discuss what's in the HIR, where the organi- zation is going with it, what the path is for the industry to have a roadmap like this, and how to use it in a practical sense. Nolan Johnson: There is quite a lot of future technology in the HIR that will affect PCB design, fabrication, and assembly. Could you fill us in on how the HIR project began and provide us with an overview? Paul Wesling: When the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors ITRS was dropped in 2016, the roadmap effort was really splintered into different areas. The packaging people felt that we should continue with it. Bill Chen and Bill Bot- toms led that task and set up a bunch of work- ing groups. We took six application areas: HPC, medical, autonomous automotive, mobile, a e ro s p a c e a n d defense, and IoT. We have a chapter on each of these markets. Then, we have chapters on the various build- ing blocks: single- and multi-chip integra- tion, photonics, power,

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