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16 SMT007 MAGAZINE I NOVEMBER 2020 ity. Using true 3D measurement data gener- ated during multipoint inspection helps man- ufacturers define the source of inefficiencies and boost line efficiency. We use a software module called LINK@KSMART to deliver mul- tipoint data correlation and images from SPI, pre-reflow AOI, and post-reflow AOI. The tool then uses real data management and moni- toring, so operators can determine actionable insights to optimize processes in real-time. The multipoint solution connects all systems within a line to consolidate all the inspection results, which helps correlate data between the processes and detect the source of any pro- cess anomalies. This effort streamlines pro- duction with a regular data- based review, diagnosis and optimization of printing, and pick-and-place and reflow processes via linked inspec- tion results. Finally, it pro- vides multipoint review images, trend charts, and inspection results to corre- late results from printing, placement, and reflow pro- cess steps. The connectivity of all systems within a line help define correla- tions between the distinct circuit board assem- bly processes (Figure 4). Working with other suppliers in the SMT line, true 3D inspection systems provide the data to unleash the true power of connectiv- ity. With M2M connectivity, the line can opti- mize the PCBA process by exchanging real- time measurement data from SPI, pre-reflow AOI, and post-reflow AOI systems with other machines in the production line. The inspec- tion machines can feed real measurement data like offset, volume, height, area, and warnings to other systems, while analyzing trends for process optimization and tolerance deviations. Using this advanced com- munication, for example, the inspection systems can feed correct placement posi- tion values to mounters, which ensures components are in the targeted posi- tion. This improves process repeatability by automati- cally adjusting component placements and catching the shifting trend to make fur- Figure 4: Factory connectivity example using KSMART.

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