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FEBRUARY 2021 I SMT007 MAGAZINE 45 wider audience to the forum than would be typical? Weiner: Absolutely. Printed circuit fabrication is what, 8% or 9% of the IPC now? e IPC has grown, I've grown, the industry has grown. I hope I've grown, but not just here (points to his stomach and laughs). Johnson: Who should attend, Gene? Weiner: Every new manager or manager deal- ing with the issues and crises of the day, just trying to move forward. I would say middle- to upper-level management, and those aspiring to become managers who want to know how to solve problems. It's a broad range. Johnson: Equally EMS, fabrication, and suppliers. Weiner: Yes, equipment and material suppliers both. It's a connected chain. If you're going to benefit the industry, you have to go top to bot- tom, or bottom to top. If you miss a link, you break the chain and you really don't accom- plish the goal. Johnson: is certainly covers the whole chain. Weiner: I have fun doing this. I like dealing with people. e terrible part of this is I've had to do it all by computer, phone and internet instead of over a beer or a lunch and a factory tour. Hopefully, that will end soon. Johnson: Despite all the obstacles you've faced, this certainly is a very topical, strong program. Gene, for those who are following along here and realize that they can take advantage of the managers forum this year, where should they go to register or sign up? How do they do that? Weiner: Go to and select "Management Programs" under the "Educa- tion" tab, or just type "IPC APEX EXPO 2021" in the search bar. Johnson: ere you are. Anything else that we should know? Weiner: I hope that all those involved in elec- tronics manufacturing and packaging includ- ing government officials that are concerned about the industry's viability, take advantage of this. ey should because it supports the pro- gram and training the millions of workers that the IPC promised to Washington, and the only way it can succeed is if people take advantage of it by signing up for the event and participat- ing in it. Johnson: Great, Gene. I think that's a great way to wrap it up. anks so much! Weiner: You're welcome, Nolan. SMT007