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58 SMT007 MAGAZINE I FEBRUARY 2021 Finalizing design engineering development is a significant milestone in the product devel- opment lifecycle but transitioning the design to manufacturing is the most critical phase of the project. e expectations to meet a com- pressed product launch schedule puts extreme pressure on the new production introduction process of manufacturers. Projects oen fail at this critical juncture. A recent survey of 120 industry leading man- ufacturing professionals conducted by Wins- huttle [1] , a leading soware data management provider, found: • 75% of respondents are under pressure to get products to market faster • 51% of respondents are still using manual process for their design transfer and new production introduction processes • 60% of respondents said their launch processes were too slow • 45% of projects that complete new product introduction end up with cost overruns is points out that most companies struggle with their NPI processes. Addressing NPI Shortcomings First, understand the root cause of why com- panies struggle with schedule delays and cost overruns. e probable cause will lead to the complexity of NPI processes. e complexity consists of the various reviews, documenta- tion verification, and rigidity of controls put in place with the purpose of achieving a perfect new product introduction transition. However, the disconnect that exists is that the over con- trols limit the effectiveness of NPI processes— Strengthen Your Design Transfer Process with Agile NPI Operational Excellence by Alfred Macha, AMT PARTNERS

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