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96 SMT007 MAGAZINE I FEBRUARY 2021 Enemaerke: Our first product allows people to alleviate the symptoms of allergic rhinitis with light therapy. It's an affordable, easy-to-use, drug- free solution that provides rapid relief with no known side effects. Johnson: How does the device work? Enemaerke: e medical device treats allergic rhinitis via a light therapy. Our product uses a safe light to inhibit the release of histamines and reduce inflammation—effec- tively acting as a natural antihistamine with no known side effects. e device is also easy and fast to use. Treat- ment takes less than 20 seconds: Hold the device up to your nostril; click the button for 10 seconds of light therapy; repeat on the other side; use as needed, once or twice a day. Johnson: Can you explain the science behind the Fluo Labs device? Enemaerke: Our device uses a light therapy known as photobiomodulation. Used by the medical community for pain relief, inflam- mation reduction, wound healing and tis- sue regeneration, photobiomodulation trig- gers a beneficial chemical change as the light is absorbed by the body's cells. In other words, the transformation of light to energy triggers a complex set of physical and chemical reactions that can enhance the cells' performance and health responses. Feature Interview by Nolan Johnson I-CONNECT007 Approximately 30-60 million peo- ple in the U.S. suffer from seasonal allergies. During CES, medical tech startup Fluo Labs introduced a new device that promises to dramatically improve the way people manage allergic rhinitis (AR)—more com- monly known as hay fever. Nolan Johnson caught up with Jan Ene- maerke, Fluo Labs' chief technology officer and co-founder, via a virtual connection dur- ing the show. Fluo Labs has recently com- pleted a successful clinical trial, showing that the device inhibits the release of histamines and reduces inflammation—effectively act- ing as a natural antihistamine. e Fluo Labs device is also one of four finalists in the P&G Ventures CES Innovation Challenge. Nolan Johnson: Jan, who is Fluo Labs and what do you do? Jan Enemaerke: Fluo Labs is a medical device company on a mission to improve the qual- ity of life for millions of allergy sufferers. Our founders are experienced in the development of light-based medical devices and have exten- sive experience in pharma and biotech thera- peutics, including virology, rhinitis drug thera- pies, and light therapeutics. Johnson: What's your product and technology, then? New Innovations at CES: Fluo Labs and Light-based Treatment for Allergies Jan Enemaerke

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