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FEBRUARY 2021 I SMT007 MAGAZINE 39 we're creating a video to show them what they can do to utilize every single feature that's avail- able to them. Talking about the traditional virtual booth, based on my own experience with the events that IPC participated in the last few months, and also feedback from our exhibitors, the current model, in my opin- ion, is not working. I think a lot of organizations are trying to take that brick-and-mortar exhibit hall and just plop it into a virtual environment. I don't see people just hop- ping in a booth to ask, "Oh, what's this com- pany do? What's that company do?" We wanted to provide more value to our exhibi- tors, for brand recognition. So, we decided, during select times throughout the week, we are giving exhibitors the opportunity to post a commercial. It will be a two- to three-min- ute commercial on their products and services. And they're strategically placed before certain events throughout the week, to give them the largest audience of viewers and there are sev- eral time slots available. We're also giving exhibitors the opportunity to present a product demonstration. ese products demonstrations will be recorded and will also be available on-demand for 90 days aer the event. en already we've talked about the matchmaking tool. In the conver- sations we've had with exhibitors regarding these features that we're providing, they have been very well received because these oppor- tunities give them the exposure to the attend- ees they're looking for and provide real ROI. With a virtual booth, exhibitors are waiting for the attendees to come to them whereas with our approach, we're putting exhibitors in front of the audience for them. Johnson: Yes, I've been attending CES as we have this conversation. CES is a massive show. I think there were 200,000 attendees last year and exhibitors in the thousands. Once you get into a virtual environment it feels like you're looking through a long paper tube. e sen- sation is very much that of tunnel vision. Go to a very large show like CES, and your vision doesn't expand, doesn't open up. As attendees, we know we're missing 99.5% of what's going on at the show just because it's not immersive. I think what you're doing makes a lot of sense. Balonek: Yes. I really feel for exhibitors. I know how important trade shows are to them. Every year we survey our attendees and ask for the top three reasons they attend APEX EXPO. Consistently year aer year, the number one reason is exposure to new products and ser- vices so for our virtual event it's important that we continue to highlight new products and services which is a feature provided through our online platform. Exhibitors have the abil- ity to upload their new products and services along with press releases and video demon- strations. And IPC will continue to highlight and promote exhibitor new products as we do every year. Johnson: Alicia, what isn't going to happen? If I should be prepared for something to not to be available, what should that be?

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